In a state of ever-growing and rapidly evolving market for information technology and system integration, recognizing the need of a company that can offer high quality services.
We have over 1,00,000 man hours experience in sales and service of office automation products like FAX machines, Epabx, KTS, CCTV, finger print reader, desktops, laptops, networking, servers, tally software and others.
Keeping in line with our Philosophy of Quality, Reliability and Trust over a decade, we continue to offer computer related products at a competitive price and service support. We are dealers for some of the world leaders in their respective product lines namely Acer, Altec Lansing, AMD, Apple, ASUS, Canon, Compaq, Creative, D-Link, Epson, Gigabyte, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Iomega, JBL, Kingston, Kodak, LG, Logitech, Microsoft, MTek, NVidia, Philips, Pinnacle, Pixel View, Samsung, Seagate, Sony, Toshiba, TVSE, UMAX, View Sonic, Western Digital, Wipro and more. Services and Support Our endeavour is not only sale of products to our valued clients, but also render after-sales services as and when required. The sales and service team comprises of experienced and dedicated technocrats who spare no stone unturned to extend support services to the best satisfaction of the buyers. Mission To be the leading distributor of computers and computer peripherals in India, by providing reliable and quality products at the right price. Through use of the latest technology and a committed team, make the best products even better. Vision Adding new Product Lines to compliment and leverage on our strengths. Giving “Value” to our valued customers. To become the most admired IT Enterprise […]